Monday, October 26, 2015

All About Reid

Jason and I had "that kid" at a school event - the one who everyone was watching and laughing with but so glad it wasn't their child - this was Reid.  The picture doesn't do the gooey mud all over any justice!
he usually does really great at football games - except this day - a wee bit tired!
Fairytale day at school - he was the Big Bad Wolf.
(get it? and the three little pigs!!)
later that day he became Superman and was flown around Hideaway by our favorite waiter!

He's been talking about helping and sharing lately. He brought me this envelope last week. It was full of toys, and he had even found my fun stamps and put it on the front (correct spot, I might add - what a smart boy!).  He thinks it was mailed to kids who need toys. What a sweet heart!

Jason sent me this from a baseball game - he forgot to check Reid's "self dress" abilities and he wound up with his Christmas fuzzy house socks and sandals all day!
We had school conferences last week. Everyone is really smart!  There are a few more behavioral issues the younger the child.  Reid's teacher and us decided to have this smiley face sheet filled out each day so we can know how the day went... Reid got a sad face... I walked in that afternoon to him putting an X on the sad face and coloring in the happy face!  :)  Every day since this one, he has a smiley face!  

He went to the Botanical Gardens with my folks after school and they sent me these pictures.

scary Halloween minion!

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