Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Our church participated in the Matthew 25 challenge.  Each day, we removed a comfort to more thoroughly experience a life with less.  We removed all drinks but water.  Had beans and rice.  Slept on the floor.  Etc.  The boys were emotionally moved by the end of the week.

Remember that time(s) where your brilliant husband makes the few random mistakes?!  Poor guy, backed into a closed garage door (yay! 2 new panels!) AND hit the side of the house with his truck all in the same week.  

Eddie just wants to play, Roscoe!  Poor guinea pig.  
We have since given him to the Stuever family as they have wanted one for a few years and have babysat Roscoe.  All are happy!

Reid has been obsessed with 911 since we went in to detail this year about that anniversary.  This is just one example of the many things he has written, drawn or said in regards to the event.

Kyle joined the junior high cross country team this season.  He has gotten faster!  No medals but a lot of fun with great people!

Our Daily Bread day for UHBC.  

It sure makes a mom happy when her kids have volunteered enough to have their own name badge!

First day of school post for Westwood's facebook page!

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