Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rotary Student / Drew Holcomb

We had a rare and super fun outing last night with some newish friends to the Tower Theater to watch Drew Holcomb. 

(Side note: One of the couples we have only met once, at a benefit Drew did, and it turns out he was college roommates with my sorority mom's husband! And, we both know her brother who is part owner of the Tower (news to me last night!))

We got home last night about 11:45 and woke up at 5:30 to get all of the boys up and nicely dressed for a breakfast for Grant. He was selected to be one of two of Stillwater's Junior Rotarians for September, and honored and their October breakfast.

We are sure proud of his choices so far in life, and realize he is not the normal teen boy! Thankful to be Grant Jason's mom and watch the world through his eyes.  His friend, Mia (click here and scroll halfway down to giggle), was the other selection. They both listed math as their favorite subject.

This bad boy will be displayed in the library for all eternity (or at least five years!).

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