Sunday, December 29, 2019

Christmas events part 2

Christmas is the best time!  This year, we had no travel plans and Jason was off work a few extra days than usual.  We used the time to snuggle and make memories.  Reid fell asleep on my one night in the glow of his room's green Christmas lights.

3rd grade class party!

Eddie loves car rides!

Melanie hosted a cookie exchange for several of the neighborhood kiddos and then we gave a tray to whomever we picked.

Reid had a few rough days of forgetting to follow directions at school.  It's a good day when you get  selfie from the teacher and a big thumbs up!

Singing is fun!  Too bad I am not so great at it.
We hosted the UHBC staff for a party, and when I was finished setting up, I grabbed my childhood mic and sang carols for a while.  I did receive a few eye rolls from the boys.  HA!

The crew minus two.

Sunday school party (with kids this year)

Eddie's photo shoot  :)  He is kinda perfect!

please can I come upstairs!

Sugar cookie time with Mrs. Claus!

We watched National Lampoon's at Mom and Dad's this year.  Reid's first year - he laughed hysterically!

Beth had a birthday!

Christmas Eve was at Mom and Dad's house.  It was a beautiful day and we had a good time!
Family pictures:

Aunt LaRue

Grant read the Christmas story this year

the pups got to play again

Reid was all in to Santa this  year.  He made and brought this down by himself.

flannel time!

Christmas day was at Nana's in Vanoss.  We didn't take one group picture! eek. 
The boys wanted Manning to come back so he spent three days with us.  They slept like this every night!  :)  

They biked to the gas station for treats. We went golfing...

Tried out some cheese fries for his first visit to Joes...

...then went to the land to have the ponds stocked for fish.

This kid loves legos.  He did three sets in as many days, one of which was huge!

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