Sunday, May 10, 2020

Week 8 of COVID

Many neighborhood walks lead to discovering rose bushes.

Our first strawberries!

We had an adventure at the Waits Ranch one afternoon.
Here are Isaac and Reid exploring a fallen tree.

And now on their kid size four wheeler!

Our church had "Take Out Church" with pizza boxes full of kid's activities and lessons.

We had a night of big storms.  Eddie wanted to cuddle - for FIVE hours - so I slept on the couch with him.  It's like having a precious new baby again!  :)  And I loved it.

KD got his braces off after only 13 months.  He has had inflamed gums the entire time so his mouth was ready!

What a good looking young man he is!
Smiling that killer grin!

Official before photos....

Official after photos...
Sometimes you just have to crawl back in bed on a Saturday morning when that angel face asks to cuddle.

I laid down to watch tv and this little guy came to cuddle.  
I know... I know... lots of Eddie pictures!

I believe these are cardinal eggs.  Fingers crossed they make it!

Grant and Kyle have done a lot of work for neighbors. Jason joined on this one for a bit to cut a tree down.

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