Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Do

Mr. Toe-head has a little less hair than a few days ago. It may be white, but Kyle's hair was getting scraggly. I think I should have been a hairdresser because I really do enjoy cutting all 3 of my guy's hair (who can really mess up on Jason's anyways?!?! just kidding, honey - I love you!).

Kyle sat perfectly still and actually giggled a lot. Crazy me let him hold the mini-razor that zoomed through Grant's hair a few months ago leaving a stripe - it was centimeters from happening again! We did have to do this while Grant was at school; otherwise, they would have been wrestling amidst the electric clippers.

The back looks better - less fuzz. You can't tell a bit on top since it's soooo light. What a trooper!

Before After

1 comment:

E.Gray said...

great job, so you are going to have to teach me your tricks when it comes to Calin, probably will be 3 years before he has enough hair to cut at this rate :)