Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When Money Matters

It's a pretty known fact that I am what could be considered a Numbers Nerd. If there are numbers involved, I enjoy it. My favorite subjects were math and physics, the best part of any of my jobs has been the math portion, including the bookkeeping for the pharmacy and now for our office. Therefore, it only makes sense that I love this product! It's Quicken Online and is a FREE tool to help track spending, create a family budget, create categories and view transactions. To get started, all you need is your bank account information (you can also manage investments, multiple accounts, etc - we just do our main checking through this program). The program is FUN for me to do but it is good for Jason, who is not a math-nut, to review our finances (when I show him!) for his awareness.

If you don't have a process of tracking your spending or watching a budget, if needed, I strongly suggest it! Let me know if you have questions.

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