Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Skiing fun

These are pictures of us skiing - not the kind you'd expect this time of year - but Jason's are SO funny that I really felt the urge to post them for everyone to see. Granted, he hasn't had a lot of skiing practice but still these are very animated shots. Do check out his expression in the first one. This was from a summer trip to the lake with some friends.

"Oh crud. What was I thinking!!!"
"Not so good. I will NOT let go...Ker-plop!"
yes, I did get out of the wake... eventually! TA DA!

(ps - this color is very similar to what I painted our master bath over the weekend!)

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Great pics! Josh used to be an avid skier but he hasn't do it in years. I did it when I was a kid but not really since. Looks like you all had fun!

How do you like the new color in your bathroom? I'll have to come see it soon.