Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rink Time

What a fun family night we had tonight! Ice skating with some new friends at the outdoor rink, a Christmas sing-a-long at G's school, and then dinner with friends following it (oh yea, not to mention a fire alarm being pulled when all the families were in the gym together!).

Here are a few pics from the ice rink - I was the only one who had been before, and all three boys were AWESOME. Grant was off on his own after only a few minutes. One of us was always holding K's hand, but he became more confident and ready as the night continued.

This would have been turned in to a Christmas card for late delivery had it not been blurry. Darn it, ice rink worker!!!

This one of Grant and me is just about one of my all-time favorites!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

That last one is so cool with the blurry people in the background. Glad you guys had fun. Maybe we'll give it a try this weekend.