Thursday, December 24, 2009

14 Months Ago

It's been 14 months since my post related to this, but after just spending the best two hours in a long time with my husband, I feel the need to share this again - The Ultimate Gift.

That post was in regards to the book that was given to us as a present, and my friend, Kelly, noted that it was a great movie. Hadn't seen it. But, this year, we saw it on the schedule and DVRed, saving it for our quiet time on Christmas Eve. What a great remembrance for this special season and a reminder for the ways that our Christ - OUR Christ -, Jesus our Saviour himself, would want us to live as HIS people on earth.

Let's challenge each other to be better people. To go outside our box. To DO and not just BE.

Plus, the main actor was just a doll in the movie. :)

Now off to go get a chimney ready for Santa's arrival sometime tonight!!! I sure hope Rudolph (you do know that he IS flying tonight since it's so foggy out - Santa needs his nose to light the way - Grant reminded us of this fact!) can land on our steep roof! :0)

Merry Christmas, friends and family. May you each have a blessed, happy, and healthy Christmas. Love you all. BIG HUGS - especially to my parents since this was the first year ever I haven't seen you on Christmas eve. Lots of love. :( boo hoo. tear tear.

1 comment:

GG said...

tear, tear too. I love you. I love your post. We loved the movie too - wonderful message. xo