Sunday, April 25, 2010

13.1 and we did it!

Oklahoma City's Memorial Marathon was this morning! A few months ago, Jason and I decided we'd love to tackle the challenge of completing a half marathon, especially being non-runners! The weather was a breezy 55-60 degrees and just perfect for us to run. Having never run together, we didn't know how we would do but we tried being running partners and had a nice time doing so until we split about mile 9.5.

Here is a picture of Grant and my dad after they completed the Kids' Marathon of 1.2. Grant had previously run 25 miles, bringing him to a total of 26.2. He was very proud and had a nice time!
Kyle and GG were the proud bearers of support signs during the races. Here is Kyle doing his part in this morning, and Mom doing her part of camera-taker and Kyle-tackler. :)
This is the 9:01 gate of the actual Memorial grounds. After the race was over, I took Grant to show him all about it and where I used to work. I gotta say that I was very emotional at this point, and oh-so proud to be an Oklahoman and to have worked there for years. What a wonderful tribute to those who lost their lives 15 years ago. During the run, you can run "In Honor Of..." someone... we ran for the Survivors and the Families.

We don't have any pictures from the actual race, but here we are after having met up with the family.

Here's my sweet pea and me! I am so proud of us!

The whole gang congregating at the Survivor Tree afterwards! Thanks, team, and thanks Haley family for taking the photo for us (great to see most of ya there!)

My time was 2:18, which is about a 10:30/mile.
Jason's time was 2:25, which is about a 11:08/mile.


angela said...

I am SUPER proud of you too! You are amazing! I'm continually proud to be an Oklahoman!

Grande Family said...

yeah!!! i am doing this next year, maybe doing the full run :) i am so proud of you and erryn's run club for doing this!! :) thanks for the motivation :) love you all!!

Kelly said...

Way to go Walkers!! I am so proud of you both! And inspired...I have wanted to run the half marathon for the last 2 years, but being pregnant and nursing has year it is guys are so inspirational!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Team Walker!