Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog Book: FINISHED!

I am so happy to have a great report on my blog book! This is project I have wanted to complete for a while, and it turned out to be so much easier than I imagined!

I ended up searching for several web-sites that offer this feature, and actually uploaded to a few to compare prices and options. Sharedbook and/or blog2print (same place) ended up being where I decided to move forward!

The book is a hard back, about 3/4" thick (smaller than my high school yearbook), and contains more than 210 posts, composed of all of my entries from 2008-2010. The site offers many things: a foreword, table of contents, personalized pictures on the cover, include/exclude blog comments, just to name a few.

Here is the front (a 2008 photo!):
Here is the back (a 2010 photo!):
Each page has the web site title and a page number on the bottom:
Just an example of a page:
You cannot select font, and probably my only complaint is that the photos automatically upload to the left, with all text to the right, which in my case, ended up being text that goes with a certain photo is several inches away from the picture... but not a big deal since it's all listed under the same post date.

Go order yours! Once I selected the site, etc, it was less than 30 minutes to order, and right at $60, for a lovely, awesome, treasured keepsake!

1 comment:

TheCrossFam said...

I'm on it! Can't wait to order ours! Love you!