Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fun things

What does a post office scale, a Saturday, and a newborn baby have in common?!?!

that's where we have taken Reid the past two weekends to see how he is growing! and you know what?!?! He was right at 8 pounds today!!! what a chunk!

If you don't know, he had dropped to 6.10lbs at his two week check up. Since nursing/breastmilk is important to us, we/I decided that I would start pumping milk for bottles to make sure we know what he was consuming. Last Saturday, our babe was 7.0 so he gained a pound in one week - that's quick weight gain for an infant!

Hopefully, Reid will catch on to the concept of nursing soon so I can put away the pump and bottles!

This ring is a gift from Jason to me for our family... do you get it?! The two gold bands are for the two of us, and the three silver represent our boys! Pretty cute, and since I usually wear gold and silver jewelry, it's just basically perfect!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Woo-hoo! That's excellent! :)