Saturday, June 4, 2011

Reid Jeffrey, part 2

Reid Jeffrey Walker arrived on May 26, 2011, at 6:58 p.m. He weighed 7 pounds 12.5 ounces, and was 20 3/4 inches long. His apgar test results were an astounding 9 and 10!

Many of you have asked throughout our pregnancy a simple question: "what is his name?" and we had just not been able to decide on a fitting, appropriate name. Reid has been on our list since the beginning and in the past nine months, there have been other front-runners. However, Reid won out! The meaning is "red", which isn't too exciting, but we find it similar to his brothers' names, and it is an easy name that isn't too popular, hoping he won't be one of eight of them in his future classes! Jeffrey is his middle name, which means "divinely peaceful," and was chosen to honor a family member.

The rest of this entry will just be detailing our time in the hospital and our overall experience - feel free to stop REIDing if you don't really care about it! This is for a keepsake for my sons to read (or daughters-in-law!) in 30 years when they become sentimental.

The experience began as I went to my regular 38 week check-up at Dr. Karns' office. I was officially 38 weeks and 3 days along. After an examination, he looked up and said something like "well, let's just go across the street and have ourselves a baby today. You are dilated to about a 5." Have to admit - after the sleepless night I had previously had due to extreme back pain/labor, and an overall feeling of "I think this baby is coming," I wasn't too surprised. So I left his office, called Jason and Mom, and went across the street to the hospital and upstairs to the maternity ward! I had put our suitcase in the car that morning, just in case - call it Mother's Intuition!

Arrival at the hospital was around 11, and it did take more than an hour to get started on the needed antibiotics to treat the Group B Strep, which I was supposed to have two doses, each taking around 4 hours to be effective. We ended up really close to that so my constant worry over that issue was mute! Our nurse at this time was just delightful but she had to go to another delivery around 3, meaning I got another nurse, but she was just as wonderful. The "great nurse" streak ended after their shift was over at 7 (really about 7:30 that night since Reid was born at 7).

I knew that I wanted an epidural and was told that we needed to probably call the anesthesiologist by about 3:30 before he left the hospital. I followed directions to the letter, calling my nurse at that time to remind her. He showed up around 4:30 and gave me the epidural, the entire time talking about how his wife's didn't work and she had a natural delivery.... foreshadowing?!? Dr. Karns came back about 5:15 and broke my water. I was still only dilated to a 5, perhaps a 6, at this point. At 6:00, one of our friends came by to visit, and at this point I was starting to get uncomfortable, having contractions that were verging on painful. My nurse came by at this point, noted I was still only a 6, and did "the test" on an epidural, and I failed miserably, which means it was 100% ineffective. She called the anesthesiologist back, but he ended up getting there about 6:40, which was a tad too late.

Within a 20 minute time frame (best guess), I was completely miserable, and was "that person" who was screaming during labor. Ironically, I had said earlier in the day something like "they make labor so dramatic in movies. It's so not that way" basing that comment on my previous deliveries. I do take back my words now... My nurse came back in after hearing me in the hall, and checked me. As soon as she finished, she pushed the call button for the nurses station and said "I need a warmer, bassinet, and supplies right now. Call Dr. Karns immediately. Call his cell phone. She's fully complete." duh. It was the most intense pressure I have ever felt, which I've heard meant you're ready to push, but have never felt it.

Fast forward the next 20 minutes - room full of people, a precious husband that has since turned completely white and sweaty and decided to pass out (due to the misery of his wife being in pain, not due to the blood, which wasn't even there yet). Pretty sweet actually. :) I was screaming. Completely not modest. Miserable. And being told not to push. I heard a nurse say "He is 5 minutes out" and I think I said something like "he has one more contraction to get here and then I am pushing" as that time period was probably the worst for me.

He showed up, and Reid was delivered within one contraction. Looking back on the photos that were taken, they didn't even have time to set the bed up properly with stirrups and stuff! I could feel everything and actually, that part at the time of his delivery, was a really cool, special feeling, although painful.

Reid came out screaming and healthy! He had two arms (many of you know I have had dreams for months that he only had one, and not one of our ultrasound photos could confirm he had two!) and two legs. We think he's pretty perfect! Jason was finally alert enough to be able to stand up long enough to cut the umbilical cord, and then he sat back down!

Reid was cleaned up, and we had a special family time with Grant and Kyle. I knew they were excited, but you never really know the reaction once they see a tiny baby. Kyle was THRILLED with his brother. He didn't stop smiling for 20 minutes and wanted to touch him. Mom, Dad, Nana, Papa, Wes and Anne joined our family afterwards to greet our newest addition. Reid at this point tends to favor Kyle physically, but Reid has a lot more hair and it's darker than the other two. His face shape is more round like Grant's face.

The next day was Grant's last day of kindergarten. Kyle hung out with us some at the hospital and otherwise, the boys were with my parents for those two days. We ended up being transferred to a c-section recovery room as they needed the large labor rooms for incoming patients (who never actually came!). The room was awful, tiny, and we asked for no visitors at this point.

Overall, this pregnancy ride threw us for some loops as did the labor and delivery. We are so thankful to have a healthy little boy and we now feel complete. He is 8 days old as I type this, and we said last night that we're now at the point where we can't imagine our family without his little precious body! I am finally calling him Reid and not Kyle!

Reid has been my easiest newborn - he poops, he potties, he sleeps all the time (which is good/bad as I have to wake him up nearly every time to eat!). My recovery has been very different from the other two - I have energy, I haven't had an emotional break-down yet, and I'm healing fairly well without a lot of pain. It is also very refreshing to feel the confidence with Reid that I do. For instance, when Grant was born, I relied very heavily on Jason and my Mom to help out. The two of them have hardly had time with Reid, which means I have had a ton of time, and it's really cool/special/neat for me to see how quickly I learned his likes and dislikes, and his natural behaviors. He's my special little buddy!

Welcome, Reid Jeffrey Walker - we sure do love you!


Kristy said...

I love birth stories! He is one precious little boy!

Megan said...

what a great story! i give you credit for doing it naturally. he will love reading it when he is older, or his wife will:)

Cat said...

That's hilarious (I'm sure it wasn't at the time) that Jason passed out! What a great story... He's beautiful!

Libby said...

Thanks for sharing this all, Stac! Love you five so so much! I have been a part of several discussions around about natural births and am curious as to your thoughts. :)