Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Star Wars

This is simply a list of comments or questions I have received TODAY on the subject of Star Wars.  My boys are obsessed.  Grant - slightly; Kyle- absolutely amazed at his knowledge and interest.  Jason and I just sit at dinner sometimes and look at each other across the table wanting to stop the conversation, and then we find it so funny, that we laugh out loud.  At least they're talking at the table!  :)  I keep telling myself - there WILL be a day you miss this!
  • Count Dooku tries to lightning force Obi Wan but Obi Wan Kenobi blocks it with his light saber and it gives his light saber more power!
  • In Episode 3, Clones change to the Dark Side
  • Do you think Greedo or Chewbacca would win?  I think Chewy.  Well, maybe Greedo because he has bombs.
  • Anakin Skywalker turns to Darth Vader when he turns to the Dark Side.
  • Obi Wan and Anakin fight at a lava place and um, Obi Wan, cuts off Anakin's legs.  That must hurt.
  • Did you know that a light saber's blade, when it fights with a gun, it bounces off and gets the person that had the gun.  Light saber blade colors can be green, blue or red.
  • Jedis have force and they can kill people, although we shouldn't kill people.  But, they just kill the bad people.
and that is simply the topics that I can remember today. 

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