Friday, June 1, 2012


I am writing this entry from our tent and I am just one happy and proud Mommy. We had friends come over tonight to enjoy some smores in our outdoor fireplace. We then pitched the tent and I "won" the straw to be the adult sleeping outside with Grant and Kyle. Actually, I do love it but it is a bit chilly tonight!

A few cute things about our day- Anyone familiar with our state's ponds knows that the water is not very pretty, but at least right now, there is water in the ponds! We drove by two that were basically empty last summer from the drought and Kyle says "look, Mom, I love how the ponds around here all have chocolate milk in them." Sounds tasty but too bad that just shows how icky they are!

Grant went to the bathroom at a restaurant with me today and was in his stall and noticed and asked aloud "why do they sell napkins for 10 cents in here when they are free out on the table?" Great question, son...

Same bathroom, now with Kyle - we were washing our hands at the sink and I got a paper towel out of the dispenser. Kyle, of course, would rather use the automatic air hand dryer. He turns it on, and the trashcan of paper towels are at the perfect angle below that the air just lifts up all of towels from the trashcan and they literally start FLYING around the bathroom. At first, I was freaking out, but then realized there wasn't a darn thing I could do since the air dryer is on a timer. So, I joined in the laughter and loved the flying paper towels. We then had a mess to clean up...

1 comment:

Megan said...

Ha, cute comments, my favorite is Grant's!