This house was on the market for more than a year and a half. There were renters in it for a bit, but really, it had been neglected for several years. Jason and I love projects and being in the yard, in particularly. Here are some pictures of our home just to show a little of what we've done in the front. The before ones are from the original listing because I wasn't quick enough to take some myself so sorry for the poor quality and coloring!
After. We trimmed all the trees and have cut a few dead ones out. Added a flowerbed on the far right, and ripped out all but a few nandinas (which we transplanted) and a three other small shrubs.
The bare stone wall.
The new stuff! There is now a trellis between the short tree and rock sculpture which we hope to grow something up on (I have since forgotten what it was I was going to buy!) ha.
all of this is gone except the tree. The holly on the far left we transplanted to a different area where we hope we won't have to trim it! Most of the stuff we planted is perennial and no/not much trimming involved.
New blue atlas, boxwoods (trimming needed but not often), new front porch flowerpots and bench, and the door has since been repainted since these pictures!
Indian hawthorne and nandinas
There were dead shrubs all in front of the gray siding so I must have taken this picture after we ripped them out. There were two huge dead trees in front of the stone wall as well. We got rid of all of this in the fall as we preferred it to be bare rather than dead.
Lilac bush and deodora cedar.
Photinias and boxwoods, and our favorite Arts Festival purchase - our metal flowers! Fun pop of color.
This bed was overgrown. We cleared out and transplanted the nandinas out here.
This was when we were building the flowerbed. Reid just wanted to be like Daddy, hopping on the shovel and digging up grass! :)
We've done a lot.... and I haven't even let you peek at the backyard mess yet! We had said we would just wait on the backyard until the fall or next spring and just "let it be" for now.... until we found FIVE snakes back there last weekend. It's now becoming more of a priority! icky eww eww.