Leading up to Christmas...
We had carolers! The Joyces and Aicheles came to treat us to two carols. Very festive!

We went to Westwood and burned some energy on the playground on the field.
Our coronavirus boy had to wear an N95 but we let him out of his room after several days of isolation. Six have been confirmed on his basketball team.
I took this from the Air Force instagram as it is a way better picture than ours of "the north star" where Jupiter and Saturn were aligned to form an extra bright star.
Reid accidentally touched him, and unbeknownst to me, if you sprinkle a little cinnamon on the elf, then he is okay and not troubled by the human touch. Who knew?!
Mom took this of the Hall families facetiming us on Christmas Eve.
Our family selfie - blurry!

Christmas Eve service from home
In the Hallmark movies, they string popcorn. So, while we had extra time, we did it ourselves this year! It was fun, a little messy, and Kyle ended up eating all of his from his room instead of making a strand.
The boys wrapped my gift this year - a variety of paper, creepy men's photos on the top and "Stacewere" everywhere on labels. Thanks, guys.
Christmas Day
We ran out to the land to return the buggy and Reid took his plane from Santa.
Walker Family Christmas - 26th
First day out of quarantine!
Hall Family Christmas
We wore masks inside and ate outside (pretty day!) and had a wonderful visit with family.
Eddie cuddles at nighttime
Hall Family Christmas
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