Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas Eve and Santa came!

I tested positive for Covid and so our Christmas plans changed. Thanks to the beautiful weather, we still had Hall Christmas but outside.  Wes' family decided not to come so they were missed.

On Wednesday night, my four boys went with Mom and Dad to the Civic Center to see Cirque de Soleil show, and my crew raved about how awesome it was!  They just didn't get any pictures. 

Grant was Mr. Gifter this year and bought gifts for everyone of us all on his own!  Very thoughtful and sweet.

This was the 3 loads of laundry waiting for me on Christmas Eve while I was stuck in my room. 

Ready for Santa with their buffalo plaid!

KYLE asked Santa this year to wrap his gifts instead of just drop them out of his bag. Poor elf had a lot more to do, so Kyle's gifts were all put into one big box. :)  

More outdoor time for me!  Reading in the hammock.

Bubble soccer!

Gingerbread house decorating!

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