Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Reid got this as his souvenir on our Colorado Springs trip.  He sure does love airplanes.

Jason and I had our Christmas party on Friday night.  Grant called him one time and said "my truck died, but I jumped it and am heading home."  He got another call 10 minutes later that said "my truck died again and I pulled off the road."  So, needless to say, Grant and Jason got to change the alternator the next day!

Selfie of our matching shirts before we headed out to party!

Jason loves to decorate his office with lights but we haven't done it in several years.  red-green-red-green - our favorite combo!

Even though Kyle cannot play on the court, he got this photo taken at basketball during a photo shoot. Pretty stud! He loves how his hair looks  :)

Church movie night for the kiddos!

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