Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today, as we were playing outside and I said it was time to go in for naps:

"Hey, guys! It's time to go inside"
Kyle "oh, Mom. I don't waaaaant to go take a nap"
"Yes, Kyle"
"okay, Mom" and then he goes inside.

Grant "No, Mom. Come on. Shut up. Sheeesh" with an at-ti-tooood.

Let's just say that I counted 1-2-3 and then asked if he knew what that word meant and where he heard it. He said he learned it from Toy Story (whoops) and didn't know what it meant.

He now is aware that Shut Up is not nice and will be spanked next time I hear it. :)


Amanda said...

I'm glad he didn't say he learned it from Garett! I have yet to hear that come from my son's mouth, but I don't know that I would be surprised if I did.

Do they have to grow up and learn all the not so fun and nice stuff??

Kristy said...

Pretty great that he's almost five and has just now used that word. Doesn't happen you have an older sibling (as you will find out with Kyle!).

Those Disney movies teach all sorts of great things. :/