it's coming on November 20th!!!

What's Your Vote?
Team Edward

Team Jacob?

It took me exactly 15 days. Cover to cover, all four books. And the last book was 750+ pages. Does that make me obsessed?!? Perhaps. But I gotta give some kuddos to the author of the Twilight saga, Stephenie Meyer... she did good!!!! It was very fortunate for Jason to have a new book he wanted to read during those weeks - gave him something to do since I wouldn't move out of my spot unless I needed to refill my water or go to the bathroom. It was that bad. But, now the reading portion is over and I just get to look forward to the 20th!!!
Are you a fan? Are you sick of hearing about it (I was until this week, when I finally understood the craziness!! ha!)? Are you going to see it?
Grant voted Team Edward!
I'm Team Edward too! But not because I think he is hot, but because I loved his character in the books!
I want a combo of both...is that greedy? HAH! I am so pumped for this as well. I have read the book series four times!! My friends got me hooked a couple of years ago and I LOVE that everyone is catching on to the craze. So excited for next Saturday to see this!
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