Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Angle Fire ski trip

Ski Trip 2015 was this past weekend!
This year, we asked our good family friends, the Ramseys, to join us.  We decided on Angel Fire and rented a house!  It turned out to be a great trip!

This is the weather on our drive out west - snowy and gray!

Closer to the mountains, it became a prettier white and definitely more scenic!


Our house was 50 yards from the ski slopes which made it great to ski in and out at meals and at the end of the day.  There was a lot of fresh snow this weekend, and when Jason skied over it to go to the house, the powder was so thick, he just sunk and fell. It was hilarious, and it was as deep as he was thick!  Josh took this shot while watching us try to get him up!

Saturday was Kyle's actual birthday so we had a cake and a little party!

all the kiddos...

Some of his gifts.... he is ever-thankful for anything!

Day two on the mountains was beautiful!  Sunny skies and kids that could ski!!!  woot woot!

 Best family pic of the trip - at the top of the mountain!

Grant, Kyle and Morgan built a snowman!  Complete with Oreo eyes.


Licking icicles.


The moms....
Sunny but windy! We were thankful for our face guards. Very pleasant with them on!

The dads...

The drive out of Angel Fire... beautiful!

It was a success! Grant and Kyle both did great this time on their skis and did a few blue runs with us.  Kyle didn't even fall on it (as he is proud to say!).

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