Sunday, January 31, 2010

He's my baby....

It's Kyle's 3rd birthday today! Although he's not really a baby anymore at three, he's still MY baby, you know!?! And, all three of the boys are coughing and sick today so it's not really a very fun day in our house!

Here's a little trip down memory lane on all of Kyle's special days!


Kristy said...

He even looked like his little self as a newborn! All so cute! Can't believe when I met him he wasn't yet one and now he is THREE! Wow!!

aricalingerfelt said...

He totally looks the same now as as compared to birth...just bigger and grown up. I can't believe the sweet, happy baby I met at the Berry Creek Pool is now 3! Happy Birthday Kyle!

GG said...

Where have 3 years gone? He is soooooo cute then and now! I just love him so much and thank God every day for my little boys! and their mom and dad!