Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Threes!

Here are a few more pictures to add to all of the birthday celebration photos below! This first one is from the children's bulletin board at church - he was so proud to see his photo on the wall! So, of course, we had a to take a picture of it! He had his school birthday party on Thursday. After the cookies and stuff, he got to dress up in an astronaut outfit and climb aboard the "shuttle" for take-off! It is just the best preschool ever (outside of Fresno, CA, of course, Stace!) - some days I wish I could go back and play "home station" and "animal station" and everything else... So if he ever works for NASA, we have a cute photo to send along...
I have given him haircuts up to now- but to celebrate his being SO BIG, we went to get a real haircut. He did SO good, that they charged us less than normal because it was fun for the lady that cut his hair (wish they did that when I got mine cut and highlighted!). Sweetest profile.

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