Sunday, January 31, 2010

Party and Play!

We had scheduled a family birthday party yesterday for Mr. K to celebrate his birthday, but due to the snow, sleet and ice that fell on Friday, we had all cancellations but from my parents. So, we still had a cake and his best friend's family came over to play! Then, we all went outside and hopped on the back of our neighbor's golf cart and baby swimming pool and went sledding. It was SO fun!!!! This was great snow for playing in, and we had a tall snowman, snow angels, a snow fort, snow letters, sledding, snowballs, etc... All Things "S", I guess!

It turned out to be a great day for Kyle but just different than planned.

Here he is taking a break on his Tonka truck.

Celebrating his day in a yard across the street.

GG and Bubba made it up for the party! Yea for them!

The golf cart sled contraption... way fun.

His BF, Zach, and his sister, taking their turn.

I did a Hot Wheels theme - my boys by the celebration sign!

Our snowman. Thanks, Cory and Jason!

My littlest snow angel.

1 comment:

GG said...

Sledding was a blast even for the grandparents!!! Best snow day in ages!