Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Road Trip

Our time in our town had proven two things (among many but just sticking with two for this post): that it's a great place to raise a family because there are so many opportunities and so many young families here and the other is that many of those people are already established in their groups....

That being said, it proved challenging when we first moved to make a strong connection with other moms. Either people weren't warm and friendly, or if they were, most already had a group and didn't need others around. Nice, huh!?! (yes, EG, it's true, if you move!)

But, then I met Arica, who invited me to a playgroup and we just hit it off! Then came Kristy... and these two are two of my closest friends in town. Sadly, in December, Arica's family needed to relocate.

Yesterday, thanks to Dr. MLK, the older kids were off of school, and Kristy and I piled in our minivan and spent the day with Arica at her new home and let the kids play! It was a nice getaway for the afternoon. Thanks, A, for being such a nice hostess!

Kristy and I also both decided that having 4 kids together in the car all talking at the same time and then deciding to talk louder so they can be heard.... every where you go... might be a little much. She'll stick with her three, and us with our two.

Here are the kids on the way to the park. We walked... a total of 3 lots away from their house! Here's the moms - thanks to Grant and Mason for so generously offering to take our photos.
After we left their house, we made a special trip to go see my great aunt. And she is GREAT! All four kids had a nice time at her home, and loved the special treats she gave to them. She is one of the most fascinating people with so many stories and collectibles. We learned yesterday that she has traveled to 62 countries.... Kristy and I decided we can't even name that many... not even close!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

It WAS fun!! Can't wait to do it again!!