Sunday, May 23, 2010


I celebrated my birthday by seeing Emily and Caleb, shopping with my mom, spending time with the family, and eating some yummy Italian food!

The next evening we had a babysitter and then celebrated with friends!
My precious friend Kristy surprised me with a delicious, homemade strawberry cake. And it even matched my outfit! THANK YOU! We had about 8 couples - most are my playgroup friends - meet for dinner in the Tatami room at the local Japanese place.
At least they didn't make me actually blow out thirty candles - two was enough!
Here are the ladies. We're missing the Killian family, who was at the bowling alley claiming lanes for us. Nine of us ended up bowling and it was great.
Thanks so much, friends, for celebrating my birthday with me. I love spending time with you guys with our kids, but it sure is nice for a night out sometimes, too!

My friend, Taylor, asked if I was okay turning thirty... I said heck ya! I don't dread birthdays the way some do when they get to a higher number. It is a joy for me to be alive! to have three great boys! to have a great relationship with my family! to to healthy and happy! Although there are more facial lines, a few more brown spots, and a little more weight than a decade ago.... I think the 30's are going to be the best yet!!! Let's all try to celebrate life!

1 comment:

E.Gray said...

Love it girl!!! I totally agree, I dont dislike being 30, after all, i truly feel about 27, thats my number that I feel stuck at! I love you friend, and wish that I could be with you to go bowling and eat yummy looking cake with :)